Sunday, December 25, 2011

Isaiah 9:2,6-7

9*2 * *The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light;
those who lived in a land of deep darkness,
on them light has shined.
  For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
  Of the increase of his government,
and peace there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
will accomplish this.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Let's Take a Few Minutes to Consider Joseph's Situation; Matthew 1:18-21

Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. 19Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly.

20But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Qur'an 3:45

The angels said, Mary,
God gives you news of a Word from Him,whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus,
son of Mary, who will be held in honour
in this world and the next

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Chanukah Info

I read a menorah should be
 no more than thirty-seven feet tall

This one is in Prague

Monday, December 12, 2011

1 Kings 19:11

Strong winds and earthquakes
passed by with the Lord

He's not in them,
but your heart

He’s not in them, but your heart.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sirach 3:25

Without knowledge,
There is no wisdom.
Practice can make it easier

Eccliastes 11:1


Spread your bread upon the waters
it will always come back

Soggy, but back

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Qur'an 72:8

The jinn found stern guards
And shooting stars in heaven
So, what’s not to like?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Numbers 7

The Tabernacle
anointed, and consecrated
with livestock, silver and oil.
Oh my!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you, Lord
For all the gifts you give and
Also for the challenges

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Psalms 4:6

Many say,
"Let us see some good!"
So, what have they done
Towards this lately?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Judges 4

There was
No king in Israel
Beneath a palm,
Deborah judged

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Qur'an 2:139-142

The Prophet asked,
Who knows better, you or God?
Seems like a good question

Monday, November 14, 2011

Proverbs 23:4

Have the wisdom to show restraint.

I'll tell Macy’s,
"Keep your darn coupons!"

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Halakhah (Commandments)

Love God,
Love your neighbor
Just do it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Genesis 6:4

Sons of God married daughters of men.
See? The good ones are always taken!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Berea vs Thessalonica

       Bereans read the word,
    Questioned it and Paul,
    And then they believed

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Ecclesiasticus 3:1

For everything, a season;
Time to seek your purpose
And embrace it

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Qur'an 2:177

The righteous believe in God,
And angels
And the Book
And the prophets

Monday, October 31, 2011

Genesis 2

Adam named all the animals.
How’d he remember them all?

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Sing a Psalm of David’s
His words full of meanings
Sing them full of joy

Friday, October 28, 2011

Leviticus 19:18

I will e’er love You.
You must love me.
You are to love Them.
Simple, huh?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Qur'an 46:8


If I have invented it,
Naught can save me from God.
              He knows the truth

Qur’an 46:8

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Enoch Walked and Talked with God

Ending Enoch’s last walk on Earth,

God said,

“Let’s go to my house and chill”

Genesis 5:24
with help from dearest Bro Duke

Monday, October 24, 2011

I've Been Thinking...

In June a wonderful woman, Holly Knott, redesigned my website. In the process, she asked lots of thoughtful questions. Several were about blog presence. At the time, I decided I wanted two blogs, one representing my art, and the other, my goal to share my theological study and thoughts. By the time the new, beautiful, site was up, I had decided one blog was enough. The BFF will insert here that, unless I start to write, zero blogs will be sufficient. She is correct, per usual (was that a "huff" I heard?), which has lead me to my 4-month-long dilemma. 

Yesterday, I was gifted with a solution that appeals to many sides of moi. I intend it to be serious, thoughtful, whimsical, illustrated, meaningful, amusing and thought-provoking, though rarely at the same time. AND it will be more frequent, because I will not feel forced to make every post worth reading. Oh, the burden of the blogger! So, patient friends, I present the first installment of Haiku for YHWH. (I am also open to suggestions for a new title)

Moses died at God’s command
His vigor unabated
Holy Wow!
Deuteronomy 34:5-7

Monday, July 4, 2011

For July 4, 2011; From Albert Einstein

The important thing is not to stop questioning

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Time Travel, or Something More...?

Consider this...
two weary women searching the streets of 
Chelsea for a small respite, an island
of peace and a small libation, when, entering 
a likely establishment,
El Quijote

they find themselves in...

At the service bar, two waiters are discussing
 the festivities of the previous night. 
Apparently, Dean Martin and some friends
finally closed the bar around 4 am. 
The bartender, joining the conversation,
 called the the revellers
"Mr Martin, Miss MacLaine and Mr Davis"
There were also a few unnamed hangers-on
(in 2011 they would have been called "entourage")
 and a man referred to only as "the Chairman" - I'm pretty sure he wasn't Mao!
Long live Freddie!
We were shown to a banquette, and our server extracted himself  from his conversation
 long enough to ask us for our
order and to tell us we had missed
"one helluva party" last night.

You question my memory?  I have pictures!

Judging by the age of the clientele and the food
they were served:

Yes, it's a big photo, but it was a big lobster!

What were we to do? 
Surrendering to the overwhelming atmosphere,

I ordered:

Really, how could I not?

Not long after the Manhattan, we extricated ourselves from...
The Twilight Zone

and went on to buy Tom's shoes!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

On to the Ubiquitous Street Event!

So, on to the Washington Square Art Festival.
Looks like a lot of other street events in NYC, with the
exception of the Holiday Markets.
The Holiday Markets have more high-end stuff and

So, we're ambling along...we're ambling...
we're ambling...I pause to absorb this beautiful site:

I glance to my left and, the BFF has disappeared!,

Often, this means she has been walking briskly rather than strolling or,
Heaven forbid, ambling.
But, no, not ahead (her blond head can generally be
spotted above the throng)...she is behind!

She has been CAPTURED by a very tall attractive Asian man!
He is massaging her shoulders and murmuring something
as he guides her to...aha! A booth with those kneel-on massage
chairs is ahead. will she extricate herself
 from this situation, I wonder?

Quelle surprise!
She has fallen into his trap and is nodding!
 I have paused in amazement when a short, motherly
co-worker takes my hand and urges me to join the BFF.
It takes little coaxing (but, did you notice the difference in personnel?),
as I leap over bystanders to find a chair.
All is going to plan when my new friend, after drumming on my back,
shows me a paper towel and says,
"You hot! You wet!"
Yes, yes I am.
She dries my neck with the previously presented
paper towel.  The rest is but a pleasant memory.
Now, on to find refreshment...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

First on the List

We have a plan; first was to take the R train to
Washington Square, where there was an outdoor
art thingy. 

No, this isn't the art thingy, but it is art!
And it looks as if this was, or will be
music.  As an aside, how trusting must
this musician be to just leave his instrument
all alone? 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New York, New York!

I was in New York City recently visitingmy BFF Jo.  First, we visit our blog-friend, Buster.  His blog is My Life by Buster,  While we were walking in Chelsea, we met one of his friends, Biggie.  Buster is surprised that we knew Biggie just from his blog.

Friday, April 29, 2011

THE Guilty Pleasure of the Day

Yes, I am proud to admit that I am a romantic.  I am in my studio and it's 4:20 am.  I have coffee and my sketchbook watching a crowd of well-dressed people in London awaiting the wedding of Catherine and William.

The "fascinators", hats similar to what we would call cocktail hats.  If I were there, I have chosen one of these to wear:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happily Target-Marketed

                             So, I was in my local discount shoe store,
                              looking for cute, comfortable, colorful,
                               spring shoes. After trying many on, I
                                          choose the $11 pair:


                                I go to the cashier to pay.  I stand in
                               line.  A manager, not wanting to miss
                                a sale because I am impatient (am I
                             that easy to read?), says to me, "Ma'am,
                                  I'll take you over at that register"
                                As he's carefully entering the vast
                                information needed to process my
                                 huge purchase, I am compelled to
                            browse the sock display (as we all know,
                           marketing is a conspiracy to add full-price
                               extras to your carefully-chosen items).      
                                     I need socks. I choose a package
                                that had been hiding behind flowery
                                                    neon socks.

                            Really, there were MUCH more vivid options.
                                  So, here's where I get to my point.
                            I get in my car and, beacause I chose not to
                                have a bag, my colorful purchases are
                                                  making me smile. 
                           Then, I notice what you, Observant Reader,
                                            have already noticed:

                                                       THEY MATCH!
                                           Yes, it is the small surprises
                                                  that make us want to
                                                       share our glee.
                                                     And now I have.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Surreal Entertainment

I created my own surreal world recently by accident (how else?).  You can do the same, and I hope you do.  You need to be able to switch back and forth between two recordings or have the serendipitous luck to have one recorded, as I did, and catch the other on TV.

The programs are:
     1. A Mighty Wind and
     2. PBS'  John Sebastian Presents Folk Rewind

Because it always seems to be Pledge Week at PBS, you should be able to find it (please note I am NOT getting on my they-only-show-things-I-want-to-watch-dusing-pledge-week soap box, but it's a challenge) and Christopher Guest's movie seems to be on fairly frequently).

I realized how truly surreal the experience when I did not know which I was watching.  At first I was afraid I'd lost another part of my mind, but then?  WAHOO! What fun!  I sure hope you try it.  If you like it, you might try Best in Show and one of the National Dog Shows.  I'm not sure I could handle it. 

How to Steal Like an Artist

Someone shared this link today and I am paying it forward by sharing it with you.  It is simple wisdom that can be used immediately by anyone (shhh!  It's not really just about art).  I really wish someone had done the same for me then I was in college.  Sister Mary Remy Revor (look her up; it will be worth it) told me at a 3-day workshop when I was a month away from graduation.  College would have been so much easier and I more constructively productive. Seriously, what is the point in all the mystery?  Help others, help yourself.  Keeping everything you have learned to yourself does not make you powerful;  it ensures you will be truly lonely and demonstrates you are selfish.  STOP IT!

Friday, March 25, 2011

How I Work

It seems as if I had a million deadlines March 15th including producing and submitting new work. I thought I would add to my plate by documenting my creative process. I made a conscious decision to show the process in chronological order, beginning to end; I couldn’t post at each step, or, unless someone stopped by every day, they would see the end before the beginning. I enjoy many of the tutorials of other artists, but I usually come late to the party so I have to find the first post and work forward, which I do not like. All this is to say, this is going to be one long post. We’ll start with the view out my studio window

Cool, huh? BTW, some of the text has been taken from pieces I’ve written for the March 15 submissions, so, if any of this sounds familiar, PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME!

I see my process in three stages:

     Concept and Design
     Preparation and gathering of Materials
     Actual production

A piece can start with almost anything; a thought, a feeling, a smell, a sight. Often for me it is one of these that leads to another. Most often, I stand on my deck in the dark when most of the world around me sleeps. I close my eyes, turn my face to the sky and breathe. A peace always fills me if I am willing to surrender to it (not so easy in a cold rain). I spread my arms wide and let thoughts drift in and out. I see a beginning.

   I take that beginning (be it a word or image) to my design wall.  I pin an appropriately-sized piece of black or white paper to the wall, step back, and visualize what I can. 

   I then add to it; perhaps I write the word(s) on another piece of paper and add that.  I may add fabric in the general shapes and colors I see when I close my eyes.  I step back again.
  I move, add, remove and change the image for as long as it takes to make a grin spread across my face and my feet start a happy dance.  It may take quite a while (hours-days-weeks-months!) for that grin/dance to erupt, but when it does, I know it’s time to think about actualizing the concept. 

    I then enter hunter-gatherer mode.  I open my cabinet of many colors and textures and pull one possibility at a time.  I don’t put any away until I’ve found as many pieces of the puzzle as I can. 

As I’m doing this, I see how each piece fits with the others. The color may be right, but the texture wrong. I visualize embellishment. I don’t start until I have most of what I need.

    I take each part from the wall, one at a time, use it as a pattern to cut the puzzle part it represents, and replace it on the wall with the fabric I have chosen.  It is a fluid process, some things work, some don’t.  It’s never done until it’s done, and then the wonderful thing about fiber is it can be undone!  It’s tedious to undo, but if it’s not right, it’s wrong.
I appliqué most of my work, and utilizing a variety of other methods including, but not limited to, fusing, basting, trapunto, beading, embroidering and quilting.  This is my thimble:
Yes, it's painters' tape.  I cannot work with a regular thimble.  Once in a while I can use a "rubber finger" we all used to page thru paper to file (ugh; the VERY BEST THING about computers is, if you can stand to allow it, the computer will file for you!!!).  The first workshop I attended as an "adult" was at Arrowmont in Tennessee.  I thought I was so creative to use the blue tape, but nooooooo; three other attendees had the handy stuff in their stash!

     So, this is really getting long and I'm almost out of words, so I'll let my pictures say thos thousands of words they're supposed to:

Yes, it's a different piece; I told you I had a lot to do!  It is, however, my sewing area.  Don't you just love the chair upholstery?u just love the chair upholstery?

And the OFFICIAL photograph of the finished piece:

And, for fun, some oth my other new work:
The last piece is a version of one of my first pieces; I have always felt the need to re-visit it with more practices skills.  Same silk screen, tho.  I'm afraid the screen is done for good because I didn't clean it well enough 2 years ago.

So, that's it.  I hope you enjoyed my first attempt at documentation.  It, like my textile skills, will get better with practice, right?  If it were warmer, this is how I'd celebrate:

And, leave my studio as it was March 16: