Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tomorrow is Memorial Day

The next time you visit a cemetery, take a moment to visit "someone" who probably won't get any earthly company.  So many people have passed and left only a headstone.  A thought for one of them, especially someone who served in a war, I have found to be very grounding.  My mother is buried in a military cemetery (she served as a WAVE beginning at the end of WWII) and EVERY headstone there tells a story.

Speaking of stories, I was attempting to attach a lovely picture of Camp Nelson, when I read that Medal of Honor recipient, Private William M. Harris, is also buried there.  A member of the 7th U.S. Cavalry, he died at Little Big Horn.

Ahead of the Curve

Color me surprised when, after my poking at the Father-Son-and-and-Holy Ghost concept in my last post, I discovered this is Trinity Sunday.  A Sunday, according to our interim priest, that homily-deliverers hate because the concept is so challenging.  To condense what I heard (as we all know, what I heard may not have been what he meant), once you've said they are all one, all divine (with Jesus being totally human and totally divine), there's not much to say.  I also heard that they said these things because, when it's not so easy to explain something, better to just state it as fact, not open to discussion.  I work with a number of folks that have the same approach to debatable topics.

He was able to put an intersting twist on the 3-in-one; God is in heaven, Jesus is of the World and the Holy Spirit works in your heart.  I would, personally, place them a little differently, but it's encouraging to know that my thought process is keeping up with the liturgical calendar.  Hee hee! I crack myself up sometimes!

This is not at all what I wanted to wax on about today, but I  couldn't get it off my mind until I  put in cyberspace.  Tomorrow being a holiday, I hope to gather my thoughts for a more introspective post.  See, there I go again, making myself LOL.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day of Pentecost

It's Pentecost.  It's a glass-half-empty-glass-half-full kind of Holy Day.  It's the beginning of a loooong "green" church season.  I mean really long; the next liturgical season is Advent, which comes about 6 weeks before Christmas.  Long.  A little history:

Pentecost was originally an Old Testament festival, since the time of Josephus calculated as beginning on the fiftieth day after the beginning of Passover. In the Christian calendar, it falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter. It was called the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot), and in the Old Testament was originally an agricultural festival celebrating and giving thanks for the "first fruits" of the early spring harvest (Lev 23, Exod 23, 34).
While there are other references to Pentecost in the New Testament (e.g. 1 Cor 16:8), it is most significant in Acts 2 and the familiar scene of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on those in the "upper room." The New Testament writers associate the events of Acts 2 with Pentecost, and relate it to the prophecies of Joel 2 and promises of Jesus (Acts 1:8). In both, the emphasis is on a empowerment through the Holy Spirit to enable the people of God to witness to Jesus the Christ.

Now, to my personal glass-almost-all-the-way-full view of the day.  When I think about it, I have some trouble with the concept of the three-in-one Trinity.  My bad.  My God forgives me.  I anthropomorphise the godhead. (There is the whole is Jesus-wholly-human-wholly-divine concept to deal with, too, but I will blissfully ignore that for now.)  I am most comfortable with the Holy Spirit.  I have been touched by it and I believe that when I ask for God's help that help is delivered by the Spirit.  I see the Spirit as God's presence on Earth.  So today is the day that commemorates that.  Pretty darn cool.  As my friend, Linda, has said, "Yea, God!"  

Now, in my simple little world, God-the-father, Abba, gave us this world to care for and enjoy.  Yesterday evening I enjoyed it in abundance from my's the view (please imagine an aviary full of birdsong).  OK, the view is at the top.  Sorry, just go back and look at it again...and be thankful, with me, that this is, indeed, the day the Lord has made.  Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

There is No Joy in Mudville

Mighty Casey has struck out.  Yes, my guilty pleasure is American Idol.  I never watch the "embarassing" weeks at the beginning, but when they finally get to the real thing, I record it to watch and judge.  This year, I AM ashamed to say, I am enamoured with the eye candy that is Casey James.  Tall, blonde, yummy!  Yes, he can sing, too, but he knew it was time to bow out gracefully.  Crystal will be fine because she was a professional when she "got to Hollywood" but Lee is what the show is all about.  His rendition of The Boxer has me humming every time I hear it.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Today on Facebook...

I've been doing "computer" work I've been putting off.  Google searches, entering things in my calendar, organizing what I can control.  So, procrastinator that I am, I wandered over to my facebook page, which lead me to...well you probably know what it lead to.  Welcome, anyone I "friended" today!  I found folks I knew in a former life with favorite pages ranging from Glenn Beck to "Tell Dick Cheney to Shut the Hell Up!"  How is it possible we grew up in the same small town?  I'm off for now to see how to make that DCheney site a favorite...but first, a shot of my kids for Mothers' Day:

And, Then Appears a Sign of the Covenant

Okay, I didn't see a rainbow, but I'm sure there is one somewhere.  What I have representing God's grace are flowers in my garden:

Can't you just smell the lilacs and peonies?
I can...from the HAMMOCK!  Let's give a shout (hooray) for perennials.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hey! We're Flooded Here, Too!

Despite national reporting, serious flooding occured north of Tennessee.
This as a photo of our downtown area Monday (I think).  The water started rising Sunday.  Lucky for me, I had an appointment to have my most recent BIG piece photograhed in Cincinnati.  Normally this is 1 1/2 hour drive; Sunday it took twice that long because, no matter which way I went, I was blocked by some official vehicle (the most amusing was a city garbage truck), and forced to backtrack 3 or 4 miles to try another route.  I saw a lot of the countryside in the hour and a half it took me to get 15 miles to I-75.

Before I started my trek, my DH, Terry, checked our walk-in crawlspace and proclaimed it dry.  This was good because three years we had our back yard renovated to divert water away from the house. How did we initally find our water problem?  We would run out of hot water (the water heater is gas and the pilot light would, uh, drown).  By the time the water heater was out, the crawlspace would be dry; we thought it was a fluke that the pilot would be extinguished.  It seemed to happen during a storm, so we thought it was the wind .  We finally had a plumber in to fix whatever was causing the extinguishing.  "Uh, sir" the professional asked with a smirk,"do you see that line (about a foot from the ground) that is on everything?  You've had a lot of water down here."

I digress.  I returned from Cincinnati late (at least I knew to take the longer, drier, way back), exhausted, anticipating a lovely, hot shower.  I hopped in and EEEK!  Coldcoldcoldcoldcold!  Once again (this time we saw it for ourselves), we had our own personal flood.  Sometime in the previous 12 hours the sump pump stopped pumping and the water heater drowned.  Happily, the water went away by noon Monday, DH lit the pilot light and all was well by the time I came home from work. 

Boy-oh-boy, I am so spoiled; one cold shower and I'm whining.  There are millions on this planet that don't have food or shelter.  Color me thankful.