Alrighty! Mom is going to let me blog for a while because I have so much to say. She has given me rules. Ha! Like I could follow a rule
if it didn't include food, and apparently these rules don't.
So, yesterday, before I was discovered, I mentioned Mom's fabric wall; here's a picture:
Darn; I do not have the hang of this adding pictures and then writing
about them. I am just 3, you know.
Actually, I'm 3.5 and my brother is 3. He turned 3
this month and he has told everybody that it's his
birthday just so he can get treats. Yes, food
is a theme 'cause nobody ever feeds us EVER!
Mama says she feeds us twice every day (at 7 and 7), but Eddie
(the 3-year-old BABY) says he forgets. I think it's an
angle I can work with.
Here's Eddie:
I think I'll complain to the management!
Wet kisses and waggin' tails to you!