Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Can't Sleep!

There was a time that, if I was awake at 1:29 a.m., I would be having a good time or, at the very least, pretending to.  Not so much now.  My dogs and husband are sound asleep and taking up all the be but about 18" which not enough for me to relax enough to sleep.  After an hour of prayer, reflection and counting backwards (hey, sometimes it works!) I am awake and drinking bourbon and diet pepsi.  And typing this to prove I am alive.

Proof noted, here's a picture that I'm using to guide my next piece:
Crap! As usual, I can't get in the right place; it's up top :-)

I want to sleep!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some Things Never Change

Wahoo!  A wedding shower. 
The lovely Theresa (a recent high school graduate - Congratulations, Theresa!) is
modeling my group's (Group 3) spectacular, cutting-edge one-shoulder
grecian-goddess mini. Unfortunately, another group (Group 4) won the chocolate.
  The winner is on the right; at least one person in that group had done this toilet-paper wedding dress thing before because it had really amazing details including a ruffled neckline.  Really, it took us half of our five minutes to figure out it was easier for the "bride" to turn than for us to wrap her.  Since I go to one wedding shower every seven or eight years, I will probably never develop the skill needed to win.

Besides, I used all the time leading up to the shower (and a little more) making my gift.
Modeling this is the bride-to-be, my niece Whitney.  I used my extrordinary texting skills to communicate with her, having her describe her wedding bouquet; Calla lilies with Tiffany blue wrap.  It's the first apron I've made in 30 years and I am not an
excellent renderer, but I'm happy with ther result. I tried thread painting without batting.
I'm considering marketing an apron, but it will be much less labor-intensive I promise.  I had been considering making mini-quilts for the pockets.